Good morning!
Change is afoot as the Wheel of Fortune is spinning us towards a more favorable period. This is not to say that there won't be challenges along the way, however when you speak your truth, honor your beliefs and hold true to what you know is right for your life—you will help the Wheel move.
The energy that is currently with us is the Wheel of Fortune, indicating that a shift is about to happen. The work you have done in the past, your commitment to an idea was not in vain as you will notice more positive experiences come into view. This is a time to appreciate the good things and stay focused on what you have achieved already as that will help you stay optimistic in doing so you will help move the Wheel the along.
The Ten of Wands comes to us in the form of an external influence. Something is going to challenge your resolve, and although you may have thought you were out of the woods, there is still some work that needs to be done. Don't let this small setback or challenge distract you from your goal. With this challenge coming, you may need to muster up a little extra strength, but in the end, you will find that the lesson it serves will have long-lasting benefits.
The Page of Swords arrives in the advice position. Speak and honor your truth. Be confident as you walk down the path to your goal, knowing that you are moving in a direction that is best for you. Others may have become jaded along the way, or there may be those who make your progress more difficult because they can't understand what it is that you are passionate about, but pay them no mind. When you speak up and share your beliefs with conviction, the path will open up, and you will know precisely the road to take.

Check out today's Crow Tarot general reading for the collective over on my Patreon page!
Voting is now open for the 2019 CARTA Awards! I would LOVE your vote! Thank you!!

Have you seen the latest journal?
Please use CTBOOK at checkout for free shipping in the US! (Not only will you get a beautiful full-color journal, your order will help me provide a fun summer for daughter :-) Thank you!!

Guess what is finally here! The Crow Tarot Guidebook (ebook!!) Caw Caw! If you would like to learn more about the Crow Tarot deck check out the guidebook! No Shipping and it delivers immediately to your inbox!

If you have been enjoying my readings for the collective and would like to know what information the crows may have for you, I am now ready to offer a limited number of readings each week!
Your reading will be specific to you and will arrive via email with a video link.
I don't know about you, but I like to go back and revisit readings, especially after a big shift or event in my life.
There are two options for readings:
15-20 minute 3 card reading $30
30-45 minute 8 card reading $60
Please click "Select time" when booking to confirm your spot. Thank you!I have spots open this week in my schedule if you would like to book a private reading! https://crowtarotshop.com/collections/private-reading-with-mj
Yesterday was appropriate, but today is on the mark. I built the cage and I wound the ribbon because I couldn't find balance in a long time situation. Now I do not trust my ego so I do nothing to the point if ibdecision and stagnation. Very clear. Thank you.
I did a seven card Full Moon spread that included all three of these cards! 😆 For the entire month of May you and your crows have been calling to me! I read with your deck for myself almost daily, and the cards and messages we draw in common are fairly frequent, but this month has been incredible!! It is also the 20 year anniversary and conclusion of a storyline in my life. Amazing. 💗