Good morning!
Things are moving swiftly, and you may not have too much time to go over the details, but rest assured that the Star is watching over you, and you will naturally focus on what is working instead of what isn't. Ignorance can be bliss; however, you will fair better in the long run if you take some time to learn as much about where you are going as you can.
The Eight of Wands represents the energy we are working with at this moment, and for the day after Thanksgiving or Black Friday, it may indicate you are rushing around trying to get as many deals as possible. Of course, this may also point to more pressing matters such as buying/selling your home or moving in general. The Eight of Wands may represent your career as things are moving ahead without any hiccups or delays. The energy this card brings to your current situation can be refreshing as you get swept up in all the action. There is one warning here, and that is not to overlook crucial details as it can be easy to brush off necessary tasks to keep the pace racing forward.
Without obstacles to slow you down or demand your attention, when you focus on moving forward, you transmit to the Universe confidence in the future. As a result, you will attract the optimism infusing Star. This energy will keep all the good stuff going on in your life illuminated, and because of this, you may feel as though you are on a streak of good luck. The positive vibes are flowing, and when combined with the Eight of Wands, even if you miss a step or forget something in haste, good fortune is on your side, and any negative repercussions will be limited.
The Grimalkin Tarot once again brings us the Hierophant! The message I am getting here is to use this time of good luck and ease to gain more wisdom. It is easier to take classes, to spend time learning something new when you aren't knee-deep in a struggle. If things are moving smoothly, add a little education into the mix as this information will help you avoid or at least recover from quickly any obstacles that may arise.