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General Reading for the Collective Nov 7th

“We all begin as a bundle of bones lost somewhere in a desert, a dismantled skeleton that lies under the sand. It is our work to recover the parts. It is a painstaking process best done when the shadows are just right, for it takes much looking. La Loba indicates what we are to look for—the indestructible life force, the bones.” Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype

Good morning!

We start off today examining our bones, our own soul that remains deeply buried within—that part of ourselves that remains solid despite the hurt, the loss, and at times merely living. The Death card comes forward today as a sign that it is time to conjure our own La Loba as she is present to help us reconstruct ourselves, it is time to let go of the past and live again.

Rarely do I include people in my cards; however, the story of the woman who travels the desert searching for the bones of sacred creatures to bring them back to life touched me so profoundly that while creating the Death card for this deck, I felt I had to include her.

The message this card brings to us this morning is to let go of what isn't serving us, let it dry out, and fade into dust so that we can rebuild—when this happens, we become stronger, more connected to spirit.

The Three of Pentacles will arrive in the form of an external influence. Someone or something is going to expect you to solve a problem, one that your old way of thinking will only get in the way as this situation will require you to see the solution from a different perspective. You will need to use your creative mind, your ability to see things not as they are at the moment, but how they can be in the future. When you tap into your inner-inventor, you will be seen as someone who is innovative, and because of this, others will follow your lead. This is an opportunity to not only benefit yourself here in the material world but also to pass down your wisdom to others so that they, too, can benefit.

The High Priestess arrives in the advice area of today's reading. Pay attention because you are being supported right now, and signs are there to help guide you to success. Tap into your inner High Priestess, and you will become aware of the directions being offered to you.



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