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Wise Dog Tarot Reading for the Collective Sept 25th

Mj Cullinane

Good morning!

The pups bring to us today a fire in the belly, an excitement that is brewing over a creative idea or new venture that has you getting up in the morning full of pep and energy to get started.

You may be easily envisioning this morning how things are going to proceed and what steps you need to begin taking for your idea to materialize. The warning comes in the form of The Hanged Man, and this Frenchie who stuck in the tree will attest that somedays you don't even know how it is you got stuck in such a sticky wicket!

The Page of Wands in the present position points to feeling energized and having an idea that is sparking motion as your creative brain is on over-drive.

The Page of Pentacles comes in as a result of the Page of Wands and is an instigator as it will help you get a clear vision for where this idea can take you. You may be feeling excited about this new path, and in that excitement, you are sending out to the Universe the message that you are ready to go forward, to move ahead without delay. Because of this transmission of sorts, the Universe is picking up what you are putting down (or out there) and is sending you positive experiences as a form of acknowledgment.

The Hanged Man comes in as a warning. Take your time to see your situation thoroughly; otherwise, you may manifest a good deal of success initially; however, you may suffer a bit of a snapback if you are not prepared in other areas. Is there an opportunity you are missing because you aren't looking at your situation from every angle? The time to figure this stuff out is now while you have the positive energy of the Pages working for you.



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