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General Reading for the Collective December 30th

Mj Cullinane

Good afternoon!

If there is one big message that I am getting as I write this (while looking at the cards) is with the new year, the new decade upon us, it is time to let go of attachments from the past that are doing nothing more than weighing us down. Be truthful with yourself! It is time to ignite some passion, some enthusiasm! If you are hanging on to something that didn't live up to your expectations while at the same time ignoring all the good stuff, then you may stunt your growth and create stagnation, and really, that is no way to start the new year!

The Five of Cups comes to us by way of the Crow Tarot. When I created this card, I wanted to convey a heaviness that comes from losing something and not being able to let it go. It is the attachment that keeps whatever was lost present, even if it is only in our minds. Because it is no longer there to grow and evolve, it lives only as a memory. Some memories serve to create happiness; however, with the Five of Cups, this event is one that creates emotions around regret, blame, and longing. Holding on to this event depletes you as it is not capable of nourishing your spirit.

The Wise Dog arrives as the spunky Page of Swords. This pup likes to cut through all the dead branches that keep us stuck. With the Page of Swords present, you will be able to identify areas that are not serving you and will have the courage and youthful exuberance to cut through any misguided beliefs or information that is holding you back.

The cats from the Grimalkin Tarot enter to deliver a message by way of the Knight of Wands. It is time to get creative, take the bull by the horns, so to speak and jump into action. When you are confident and move forward with passion and conviction, you will blaze a trail to success.



Ps - check out my newest page Custom!

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